Note: Exact pricing for all book projects depends on individual project needs, including length of manuscript, work timeline, topic, and other variable factors. Pricing is determined from the consultation call and/or sample edit, based on the project’s scope and complexity. All pricing and payment terms with be agreed to in a contract prior to commencement of work.
All services require an initial consultation call of $99 (see Chit & Chat product above). If we end up being a good fit, the cost of the consultation call will be deducted from the project total. Likewise, if you already purchased a 5-Page Sample Edit (see product above), and you enter into a book editing or ghostwriting agreement, then the $149 fee will be deducted from the project total.
Premium Book Coaching Services
-Nonfiction book projects start at $50,000
-LinkedIn posts start at $1500/mo
-Developmental Editing starts at $10,000
-Line Editing starts at $5,000