5-Page Sample Edit


If you’re not sure about diving in to a full editing agreement, then you can opt to send me the first five pages of your project for a sample edit and decide from there. Even if we’re not a fit, you’ll still get some valuable insight into what you need to improve in your project. If you hire me for a full edit package, then the price of the sample edit will be deducted from the total cost.

Get It

If you’re not sure about diving in to a full editing agreement, then you can opt to send me the first five pages of your project for a sample edit and decide from there. Even if we’re not a fit, you’ll still get some valuable insight into what you need to improve in your project. If you hire me for a full edit package, then the price of the sample edit will be deducted from the total cost.

If you’re not sure about diving in to a full editing agreement, then you can opt to send me the first five pages of your project for a sample edit and decide from there. Even if we’re not a fit, you’ll still get some valuable insight into what you need to improve in your project. If you hire me for a full edit package, then the price of the sample edit will be deducted from the total cost.