We love freethinkers, so here’s some free thoughts.
The 5 Book Professionals Every Author Needs
You’ve been lied to. Publishing a book isn’t a solitary task. Before you publish your book, make sure you have a plan to include these five publishing professionals. (Or else the world might end. Okay, maybe that’s too far.)
How to Pivot Rejection into Results
How can you take rejection and pivot it towards results? If you’re a writer, salesperson, or business owner, it’s a skill you definitely need beyond “having thick skin.”
3 Guidelines to Create a Great Book Title
How do you create a great title for your book? Start with these 3 guidelines.
What if Everything is Storytelling?
You’ve heard that “storytelling is everything.” But what if “everything is storyelling?” What does that even look like?
3 Mistakes in Writing a Memoir (And How to Avoid Them)
If you’ve ever thought of writing a memoir, make sure you avoid these 3 huge mistakes.
Anyone Can Be a Storyteller.
You might not think you’re a natural storyteller. The problem might be in how you’re defining the term “story” and “storyteller.”
5 Social Media Lessons for Freelancers
Social media is TOUGH. Here are the 5 lessons I’ve learned for how freelancers can best make it work for them.
How to Use Problem-Solution Stories to Show Your Expertise
How can sharing a story about a problem you solved show your expertise?
What’s the Difference Between Anecdote, Case Study, and Example?
What’s the difference between a personal anecdote, a case study, and an example?
How to Use Personal Anecdotes in Storytelling
Personal Anecdotes are one of the most popular storytelling devices. But how do you know if you have a good one?